About Us

Transformers are essential to generate electricity which is the basis for Industrial Development.CRGO is the heart of the Transformer. RASQUINHA Group came into existence in 1987 for manufacturing quality Transformer Laminations. In C.R.G.O and C.R.N.O grades such as E & I Strips, Transformer accessories such as Bobbins, Clamps, Side Brackets etc.It steadily grew up and in 1995 entered in making Toroidal Cores in Round and Rectangular Shapes to cater to the Electrical Power Industry.

We are commited to provide customer satisfaction as regards to price,delivery and service expectations. We have achieved our goal in manufacturing Power and Distribution Transformer Miter Core Lamination from 5KVA to 5000KVA in CRGO Material M3,M4,M5 and M6 Grades.

We are commited to and stick to the policy to produce genuine quality Core and Lamination with perfection and precision both mechanically and Electrically to meet the requirements of valued reputed customers.